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Real-life Use Cases of Microsoft's Hololens

Microsoft Hololens, a mixed reality device, manufactured by Microsoft offers users a new medium for learning, working, communicating and training. It goes far beyond Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality by allowing users to interact with 3D holograms blended with the real world. It features HD lenses, Spatial Sound, Holographic Processing Unit, and Natural Interface commands - Gaze, Gesture and Voice. In this blog, we will talk about some of the use cases of Microsoft Hololens across diverse industries.

Microsoft Hololens enables a wide array of possibilities for developers, business owners, designers and so on.

Remote Collaboration

One of the many use cases of Hololens is that it enables the transfer of knowledge between a field engineer/worker and the remote expert. The on fieldworker can simply wear the device and call a remote expert. Further, The expert can see what the worker is seeing. Additionally, the expert can provide help by making 3D annotation, sharing documents, photos, and videos. This way, the workers can work effectively and efficiently on the shop floor; enabling them to repair the machine and organize the assembly lines.

Product Design

Product Design has been considered as an inseparable part of Manufacturing. In a traditional environment, people go through a lot of iterations of a design, which is quite a time consuming and lacks effective collaboration. With Microsoft's Hololens, the Industrial and Mechanical designers can visualize a mixed-reality holographic experience, that can be manipulated and scaled. It enables a deeper level of interaction, where workers can collaborate, connect and give instant feedback on a holographical prototype even before it is made in real life.

Training and Learning

Learning, up until this point, has either been active or passive. But, with the advent of new technologies like VR/AR/MR, learning is now much more immersive. With the Hololens, new recruits can easily get familiar with machines through digital workflows guidance, which can accentuate their learning.

For example, Japan Airlines (JAL) has developed new training applications for engine mechanics and flight crew trainees using the Microsoft HoloLens. Instead of using images and visuals of cockpit panel instruments and switches, the flight crews will experience what it is like to be inside the cockpit.

Data Visualization

In contrast to the traditional display technology, the Hololens is able to organize the data in a 3D Hologram that is placed right in front of you. This helps in Data Analytics and Pattern Recognition, which in turn enables to comprehend difficult engineering concepts. For example, In 2016, Citigroup, a global digital banking leader in credit cards, wealth management and commercial banking, used Hololens platform to create 3D holograms of real-time financial data. The Holographic Workstation helped in increasing the efficiency of the Citi traders.