
Is remote assistance the perfect service tool for industries?

In case you are wondering what Remote Assistance is in the purview of an industrial tool, it basically enables the representatives, teams, employees, managers or any other stakeholder for that matter to basically troubleshoot processes or collaborate effectively without any paperwork hassles to remotely take charge, review and provide solutions regardless of different locations of the multiple stakeholders involved. This in turn helps increase the operational efficiency through seamless integration of software and hardware systems by deploying novel technologies at hands.

AR enabled Remote Assistance for instance is a tool wherein you can call your technical experts who can effectively guide you wherever it is that you are facing a problem in the processes at an industrial scale for instance. What you need to do is place live markers or use annotations to communicate the problem in real-time, with a two-way 3D visualization working at all times. The expert can then guide you through the necessary troubleshooting processes.

You also have other features such as screen recording, or taking snapshots, searching your database for the right experts to contact them, and lastly post call feedback as well.

You also have other features such as screen recording, or taking snapshots, searching your database for the right experts to contact them, and lastly post call feedback as well.

You also have other features such as screen recording, or taking snapshots, searching your database for the right experts to contact them, and lastly post call feedback as well.

The on-site paperwork in various industries can be cumbersome, and that is where Remote Assistance can come into the rescue. You get to send digital instructions or receive them during the entire process which enhances the productivity and reduces the risk of error with the help of precision tracking and marking techniques. You get to organize your workflow as per your needs, share the process completion status, create a checklist, save the workflow, etc.

Industrial Solutions

The remote assist technology can change the way industrial companies troubleshoot and take care of the inquiries at the customer level as well. It helps in optimizing the maintenance work, helps in efficiently avoiding hazards or reporting them, and can effectively guide through a lot of repair and installation work with 3rd parties involved during the commissioning process. It helps in promoting a safe workplace while also increasing customer satisfaction to great lengths.

Customer retention is key

  • Be involved in every step of the product design cycle from discovery and user acceptance testing.
  • Work with BAs, product managers and tech teams to lead the Product Design
  • Maintain quality of the design process and ensure that when designs are translated into code they accurately.
  • Accurately estimate design tickets during planning sessions.
  • Contribute to sketching sessions involving non-designersCreate, and pattern libraries.
  • Design pixel perfect responsive UI’s and understand that adopting common interface
  • Interface patterns is better for UX than reinventing the wheel

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