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Everything you need to know about immersive applications from India’s leading XR company

Is remote assistance the perfect service tool for industries?

In case you are wondering what Remote Assistance is in the purview of an industrial tool, it basically enables the representatives, teams, employees, managers or any other

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Augmented Reality and the Automotive Industry – A value creation opportunity not to be missed

AR is shaping the way we carry out our daily chores, be it at work, while we are shopping, or while we are relaxing at home.

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Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (AR-VR) in Manufacturing Industry

We are pretty sure that if you have made it so far, you must be acquainted with the AR VR jargons quite well by now. In any case, we would take a moment to run you

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XR – A medicine for the Pharmaceutical Industry

As per a report by Statista revenue generated by the global pharmaceutical market in 2019 was USD 1250 Billion, and North America is the largest driver of these revenues globally.

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AR & VR for Field Service Solutions to Bridge the Knowledge Gap

If we look at the number 1 challenge at an industrial level as far as the field service is concerned, it is majorly to do with the considerable knowledge gap

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How 3D Simulations in Training are helping organizations

Training is an integral part of any organization when it comes to optimal management and productivity improvement of human capital. It has played a significant role in human evolution

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Virtual Reality - is it the Future of Training?

Virtual reality, augmented reality and cloud systems, all offer countless new ways to conduct effective trainings for businesses and significantly boosts the skill-building process

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Virtual Reality - the next big thing to rejuvenate the training force

In this age of innovation when every technological update brings faster speeds while cutting time, and with Moore’s law in full flow, we are experiencing faster

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Plant Safety Training needs new training methodology

The First Industrial Revolution started at the end of the 18th Century when the first steam engine was created, and the use of hydropower revolutionized the industry.

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