Case Studies

Case Studies

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Simulanis has successfully executed over 200 XR projects for more than 150 customers. Resolving the most pressing challenges faced by enterprises across industries.

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  • OIL & GAS

Compression Machine

A tablet compression machine plays an integral role in today’s world where the majority of the drugs

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Sealing Operation

Sealing process involved the application of sealant through different nozzles at different parts of the chassis.

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Industrial Training

A Fortune 100 company—a global conglomerate, and an industry leader, approached Simulanis as they

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Virtual Plant

To convert any existing manufacturing plant to a fully maneuverable 3D environment and gamify the steps

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Injection Moulding

The virtual reality game built on top of simulation developed by Simulanis has helped the site to train its

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API Dispensing

Client was finding it difficult to train the employees on the operation of Isolator as it’s extremely dangerous if

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