

Training fun, intuitive and productive

Quizbox is the world's most advanced quizzing and gamification application made for enterprises containing 100+ features specifically made for employee training with support from industry experts themselves. It allows businesses to create quick department/topic specific multiplayer quizzes, Trainees can learn by playing topic specific quizzes and challenging their peers in fun multiplayer quizzes.


Train thousands of people at once with ease


Boost peer learning and healthy competition among your employee's


Get advance analytics about your employee's learning

Ideal For

  • Sales Team
  • Onboarding New Employees
  • Shop Floor Workers with native language support
  • Students


  • Training

    Help employees learn and upgrade their levels in the manner of their favourite game.

  • Challenges

    Create topic specific, time based challenges and allow uesrs to compete against each other.

  • Analytics

    Get topic level understanding and performance report of each individual user.

  • Leaderboard

    Individual and group leaderboards for maximum engagement.

  • Feed

    Keep the users updates with multimedia content in Feed.

  • Secured

    Host on your own servers. Your data, your control.

  • Admin Panel

    An easy to use supercharged admin panel providing solutions to all your quizzing needs.

  • Teams

    Create teams and supports peer learning.


Why Quizbox?

Continuous Learning

Create topic specific, time based multiple choice questions across departments which will enable your trainees to think outof the box and expand their knowledge.

Connect & Collabortion

Encourage peer learning and participations by forming groups and team captains in any locations, and train thousands of trainees at once.

Real-Time Monitoring

Monitor individuals or group performances and evaluate their behaviour and responses in real-time.