
Redefine your

Centre of excellence

by leveraging Augmented Reality

Who would want to risk not deploying a novel technology such as AR which has the potential to bring tremendous benefits to all the stakeholders involved, providing a win-win situation? We wouldn’t want to, and we suppose you wouldn’t want to either. In the industrial arena, the transition towards AR is just beginning to gain momentum, and with the technological advances AR is poised to be the showrunners when it comes to effective operational efficiency of the workforce with the influx of so many AR applications.

XR Laboratory Setup

The XR laboratories setup includes the following services: A Simple 4-step process


Understanding the requirements


Designing the XR laboratory


Procurement and Deployment of hardware/software on-site


Commissioning and training on hardware on-site

XR Laboratory Setup: How it looks like?

We leverage our experience, along with delivery of XR knowhow, to set up XR Centres of Excellence

Key Benefits

Cost Intensive

Safely perform hazardous tasks

Asynchronous learning

Increased Retention

Performance Tracking

Development of spatial skills

Our Sample Work

The Simulanis XR Suite for industries consists of a suite of cutting-edge XR applications which support businesses and factories across the lifecycle of learning and productivity on the shop-floor and beyond.

We understand every idea is unique.
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