
Unleash the true power of

Immersive visualization

of 3D worlds using Virtual reality

It is very critical to realize that the organizations need to stay abreast with the latest trends. And to effectively optimize worker productivity levels while addressing and overcoming the skills gap, implementing virtual reality technology has proven to be a game-changer for many organizations to boost their productivity while indirectly impacting their revenues for the good. Skills training is also a crucial part of a company’s success, and it must be noted that effective training methodologies are the ones where retention is maximum, and technologies like VR content is touted to be the most engaging in this regards.

Our Prowess

The Simulanis XR Suite for industries consists of a suite of cutting-edge XR applications which support businesses and factories across the lifecycle of learning and productivity on the shop-floor and beyond.

Virtual Simulators
VR for Skills training
Multiplayer Collaboration
Design Reviews

Key Benefits


Through our suite of VR products, users can make mistakes virtually and it doesn’t cost money or life-threatening risks. Through our applications, users get a ‘simulated’ experience of different situations and circumstances, along with the know-how of preventing accidents and learning how to respond to dangerous situations.


Our product offering creates a completely immersive, interactive and engaging training experience for the end user and thus results in effective learning to take place.

Improve Visualization

Simulanis has found that one of the major issues individual face is in visualizing complicated structures and designs. Our VR technology encapsulates 3D models of the equipment / structure, and interactivity built around the models helps the users to visualize things better and makes concepts clearer.

Higher Retention

The technology is proven to give higher retention since users learn things by doing themselves. According to Dale’s cone, people generally remember 90% of what they do which gives higher retention.

Cost Effective

Multiple modules can be played on a single platform making it cost effective. It also saves on various utilities and additional raw materials for running a batch.

Distance learning solutions

One of the main concerns of distance education is getting practical experience. Being an application, it can be installed on any system meeting the minimum specification. Users can access the virtual industries from any part of the world through our innovative Multiplayer VR platform.

Our Sample Work

The Simulanis XR Suite for industries consists of a suite of cutting-edge XR applications which support businesses and factories across the lifecycle of learning and productivity on the shop-floor and beyond.

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