
Redefine your Simulanis


by leveraging Products

The Simulanis XR Training Suite comprise software and hardware products that follow a novel multi-layered framework that supports businesses and factories across the lifecycle of learning and productivity on the shop-floor and beyond.

Transform your business with one of the world's largest XR learning libraries.

Components of our All in one Dashboard

Learning Library

Transform your business with one of the world's largest XR learning libraries.

Simulanis LEARNING Suite comprises of a vast library of more than 200 learning modules across a range of different platforms such as VR, AR, Mobile and Web aimed at operations, repair, maintenance, troubleshooting and safety widely practiced across industries.


Simulanis learning suite

Learning library comprises of a library of XR training modules on common industrial unit operations, and a library of software pertaining to a range of Industries

Simulator Suite

Transform your business with one of the world's most immersive simulator experiences.

Simulanis Simulators Suite comprises a range of simulators integrated with 4D simulations and real industrial pieces of equipment that can help businesses engage in effective hands-on training mechanisms Transform your business with one of the world's most immersive simulator experiences.

Simulanis Simulator Suite

Simulanis Simulator Suite allows industrial workers and skill seeks to virtually learn difficult and costly operational tasks that involve a lot of critical know-how and complex workaround systems and flow.

Our simulator suite: powered by 4D effects

We have 4D effects integrated in our simulator suite that enable users an added degree of immersion and makes the training process more immersive and real life like.





Deliver learning across a host of technologies

Introducing SANALEXA: An integrated assessment tool for your training suite

SANALEXA is a one-stop Data Analytics Suite to scientifically measure and adequately evaluate the performance of industrious workers as they get adequately trained on VR, AR. MR technologies. The incorporation of analytics into the module helps in steadfastly keeping the record of worker's Cognitive, Behavioural and Personality traits which results in enhancing workers efficiency and overall learning.


Determining the performance of the user while training by capturing key data points such as time taken, errors, improvement shown, user field of view etc.


Capturing the psychology/behavior/ attitude and overall personality of the user by subjecting him/her to pre, mid and post game questionnaires.


Capturing data such as heart rate, nerve impulses , BP etc. to determine the physio - logical changes occurring in the human body while playing the module.

Powerful Analytics For Everyone

Our three-fold approach to build the analytics suite: pass live in VR datafrom the VR Modules to the back-end portal, analyse the same throughproprietary algorithms, and present results on the front-end dashboard

Employee Performance

Visualizations to provide customized VR performance reviews for each employee/trainee.

Project Performance

Visualizations to assess performance across different VR Projects and Employees.

Organization Performance

Visualizations to assess performance of employees, difficulty and usage of various VR Training Modules.