

Simulanis Fire Safety Simulator is a safe, reliable and an effective training method to train workers on using VR tools for fire safety operations practice in a simulated and a realistic environment.

Fire Safety VR allows novices to become competent and efficient.


The Hands-On Simulator Approach

Leverage the true potential of Simulanis Fire Safety Simulator to enhance and enrich industrial Fire Safety Simulator with higher efficiency and accuracy.

Real fire Extinguisher

Real-time Analytics

4D Effects

What's in our Store

Features and Benefits

Increased Muscle Memory

Reduced Learning Costs

Increased Productivity

Detailed reports for analysis

Reduced Learning Time

Repeatable and Scalable

Raw Material
Reduction by 50%

We observed a reduction of 50% in raw material consumption
like fire safety.

Reduction of defects
by 70%

We saw a reduction of 70% in failure of components
during inspection