
AR-MR Proficiency

There are two industry 4.0 AR and MR based solutions which you should checkout


decrease in manufacturing cycle time


increase in profitability


decrease in time to decision


decrease in production downtime


decrease in maintenance costs

Simulanis Remote Assist

Simulanis Remote Assist is a cross-platform industry 4.0 productivity application, equipped with a plethora of digital features that provide quick and effective assistance for on-site workers to efficiently perform their tasks.

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Simulanis Dynamic Assist

Simulanis Dynamic Assist is an AR based industry 4.0 productivity application with MR based digital workflow that helps reducing the carbon footprint with stepwise while perfoming industrial activities.

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Working digital transformation

  • Create workflow using site dashboard. Workflow can be created of the following types:

    a) Multiple choice type

    b) Range type

    c) Parent-child type

  • Workflow version control using site dashboard
  • Manage workflow access using site dashboard
  • Access assigned workflow/SOPs on device (Online)
  • Download workflow on your device for offline access
  • Perform workflow using device.
  • Add evidence to the various steps.
  • Pause ongoing workflow and access later whenever required.
  • Save the completed workflow offline and upload later in case of no internet.
  • See the completed workflow report with date and time stamp on user and site dashboard.
  • Generate PDF of the completed workflow reports.

  • Make audio calls
  • Make video calls
  • Present and freeze your camera view to others.
  • Put annotations on the frozen view to guide users in an effective way
  • Add multiple users on the call (5 Users)
  • Mute/Unmute yourself.
  • Add users to favorite
  • Rate the call and other users.
  • Access recent calls log
  • Search and filter users.
  • See call logs on and usage activity on the dashboard.

  • Record videos
  • Access recorded videos
  • Upload videos on the cloud space
  • Access videos on the cloud space

  • Access and open documents like PDF, JPEG, and PNG.
  • Zoom In and Zoom Out based on the requirements
  • Access documents over the local and cloud storage

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Minimise Downtime, Save Costs and Digitalise SOPs with Simulanis Remote Assist

Simulanis Remote Assist offers hands-free technology that combines live AR enabled video support and digital work instructions.