
Smart Manufacturing

Automate operations and enable data analytics to optimise manufacturing processes.

Typical Use Cases

Improve operations at your facilities while maintaining profitability

Speed up the time to go to market from lab for your products

Empower workers with novel training methods to boost production

Identify bottlenecks, collaborate at scale during troubleshooting

Speed up the maintenance work and repair activities

Reduce fatalities, accidents and injuries at workplace

Smart Prototyping

Now get smart prototyping features with the use of AR, VR and Extended Reality based technologies for your Industrial setup. Stay ahead of the Curve !

It is quite prominent in industries like automotive and agriculture among other industries, to conduct the prototyping from the perspective of designing and process layouts, and so on. There is a need to improve the interaction between the user interface and the equipment for the processes involved. Simulanis will help you leverage the best in class technologies and provide you a seamless integration and novel approach to prototyping using extended reality with a combination of both augmented reality and virtual reality enabled modules.

Two Approaches to Smart Prototyping

VR Based -Using virtual simulations of the physical prototypes being created to create an immersive experience offering in-depth details
AR Based -Using augmented reality to augment the prototypes by creating interactive and engaging content modules


Other essential areas where you can leverage our offerings for making your business Industry 4.0 ready or transforming it to Industry 4.1 includes:

Smart Training

Boost the productivity of your staff, increase their know-how, reduce error rates

Ensuring Profitability

Reduce your expenses and control costs involved in the operations and training

Reducing GTM

Reduce the time to scale and time taken to go to market right from lab stage

Quicker Decision Making

Observe data with interactive dashboards to allow you to take decisions in record time

We understand every idea is unique.
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