

Simulanis Paint Simulator is an impactful learning method to traditional coating and spray-painting techniques.

It allows trainees to work in a safer work environment without worrying about illness due to the exposure of toxic materials.


The Hands-On Training Approach

Leverage the true potential of Simulanis Paint Simulator to enhance and enrich industrial painting training with higher efficiency and accuracy.

Real Paint Gun

Critical Parameters Capturing

Real-time Analytics

4D Effects

Realistic and Immersive Paint Coating Experience.

  • Real Paint Gun (HVLP, Airless, Electrostatic Powder Gun)
  • HTC Vive with Tracker
  • VR Ready Laptop/Desktop
  • User Behaviour Monitoring and Analysis
  • Paint VR Learning Modules

Features and Benefits

Increased Muscle Memory

Reduced Learning Costs

Increased Productivity

Detailed reports for analysis

Reduced Learning Time

Repeatable and Scalable

Raw Material
Reduction by 50%

We observed a reduction of 50% in raw material consumption
like paints, thinners, etc.

Reduction of defects
by 70%

We saw a reduction of 70% in failure of components
during inspection

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